Platinum Society Medical Marijuana Dispensary

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Myths Regarding Medical Marijuana

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Marijuana has earned a bad reputation over the years due to many myths surrounding it. Many people are reluctant to use it, even for medical purposes because of these myths. Let’s look at the myths regarding medical marijuana and the truth behind them:1. The Benefits of Marijuana Are Not Scientifically ProvenMany people who do not support the benefits of medical marijuana San Jose claim the benefits of marijuana are in actual speculations and that the benefits are not scientifically proven. The truth is that a report was commissioned by the White House in 1999 which highlighted the benefits of marijuana. This report highlighted that the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine tested marijuana to be effective in curbing pain, inflammation and appetite loss.cropped-2014-01-07_1256-jpg.png2. Marijuana Is Beneficial but It Causes Significant Damage When Smoked
Another myth regarding San Jose medical marijuana is that it is harmful when smoked, even for medical reasons. In actuality, marijuana does not have to be smoked in order to reap its benefits. You can mix marijuana in food or tea to avail the medicinal benefits it offers. If you need to smoke it, you can always use a vaporizer. The vaporizer does not emit smoke and does not harm your lungs.

3. Marijuana at Dispensaries Is FDA Approved
There are some dispensaries that claim their marijuana is approved by the FDA. In actuality, marijuana cannot be approved by the FDA. This is because the FDA has to have a fair understanding of all the chemicals in a substance to approve it. However, there are many chemicals in marijuana and quite a few of these have unknown effects.

Now that these myths have been busted, you can use medical marijuana without hesitation.

Author: Platinum Society Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Located in downtown Willow Glen, Platinum Society is one of San Jose's best kept secrets. Checkout san jose medical marijuana, san jose 420 evaluations, san jose marijuana, san jose cannabis clubs, and san jose cannabis. Also, a favorite san jose marijuana dispensary, san jose marijuana dispensaries, and san jose cannabis club in the Bay Area.

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