Platinum Society Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Located in downtown Willow Glen, Platinum Society is one of San Jose's best kept secrets. Checkout san jose medical marijuana, san jose 420 evaluations, san jose marijuana, san jose cannabis clubs, and san jose cannabis. Also, a favorite san jose marijuana dispensary, san jose marijuana dispensaries, and san jose cannabis club in the Bay Area.

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Benefits of Medical Marijuana San Jose

Research has proved that medical marijuana San Jose can help with a range of health issues some of which are:

Protects Brain from Trauma and Concussion
Studies have suggested that medical marijuana may help the brain heal from traumatic injuries and concussion owing to its neuroprotective properties.

2013-11-21_1037.jpgProtects Brain from Damage Caused by Stroke
Medical marijuana has also been studied to protect the brain from damage resulting from stroke. Studies suggest medical marijuana San Jose does this by causing reduction in the size of the area which has been affected by stroke.

Helps With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Medical marijuana has also been found to help with PTSD owing to the presence of cannabinoids which are helpful in regulating anxiety and fear in the mind and body.

Helpful for Individuals Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease
It has been shown to help individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease by means of reducing tremors and pain along with improving the sleep quality,

Effective In Crohn’s Disease
The inflammatory bowel disorder which causes weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting and pain has been studied to respond to medical marijuana.

Helps Metabolism
Medical marijuana has also been shown to be helpful to promote metabolism and therefore, help you maintain a healthy weight.

Eases Arthritis Related Discomfort
Medical marijuana San Jose has been studied to bring relief to inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and helps them sleep better.

Addresses Side Effects Resulting from Hepatitis C
The side effects of Hepatitis C which include loss of appetite, muscle ache, nausea and fatigue are also reduced by medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana is therefore, helpful in a range of health related problems.

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All about Cannabis as a Medicine

Cannabis plant grows in various heights and forms and is usually grown in the wild. The time between the fag end of the summer to late autumn is the season in which cannabis plants are nourished. Though cannabis initially gained notoriety by virtue of being a recreational drug, its medicinal benefits have become quite clear over the years. This is why finding cannabis is not difficult no matter which San Jose Marijuana Dispensary you choose to buy cannabis from.


Amazingly, the earliest reference to cannabis was made by the Chinese. This text dates back to 2,800 BC. The cannabis plant is grown in various countries including several Asian countries. It originates from India and is grown widely in that region. A number of indigenous communities around the globe have used cannabis for religious, medical and recreational purposes for years.

Cannabis can be used for the treatment of various ailments. These include glaucoma, cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis and more. Cannabis consumption, in moderate doses, also boosts heart health. Cannabis is normally identified as a drug to cure various ailments but sale, possession and use of cannabis is banned in several states. The main reason for this is that cannabis is addictive and has an effect similar to steroids.

Today, cannabis is commonly used by indigenous people for its psychoactive effects. If your doctor prescribes you cannabis, you can choose a San Jose Marijuana Dispensary to buy the cannabis for your treatment. You will need a valid prescription from your doctor to buy cannabis.